On Friday, Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi married in a private ceremony. The pair revealed the first photographs from their engagement on Instagram around midnight. Both of them are seen flashing their rings in the candid images. Varun was dressed in a white kurta pyjama, while Lavanya wore a light green saree. She wore her hair in a loose bun and accessorised with traditional jewellery. Also read Niharika Konidela's response to wedding rumours involving her brother Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi.
Varun captioned the Instagram photos, "Found my Lav." "2016 (infinity sign) (heart emoji) Found my forever!" Lavanya captioned the same photographs.
Fans, family members, and friends react to the couple's photos.
Lakshmi Rai replied to Varun's tweet, "Congratulations you two."I wish you happiness for the rest of your life." Ruhani Sharma said, "How adorable congratulations." Sundeep Kishan and Suniel Shetty both left heart emojis in their comments. Niharika Konidela dropped hearts and nazar amulets in response to the message.
Several remarks of congratulations were also written on Lavanya's page. Samantha Ruth Prabhu received "congratulations" from tennis star Saina Nehwal. "Many congratulations to you guys," said Jaiswal Pragya. "Finally, we have this official," Avantika Mohan exclaimed. Lavanya, I admire you, and this has made my heart sing."
Varun Tej's latest film
Varun Tej revealed the release date of his upcoming Telugu action flick, Gandeevadhari Arjuna, just a few days before the wedding. Sharing a poster of him in a black suit, holding a handgun and sitting happily on a railing with bomb explosions in the background. "The calm before the storm," he wrote on the poster's caption. August 25th is set in stone! We'll see you at the theatres soon. #GandeevadhariArjuna.”
It was directed by Parveen Sattaru and is intended to be a spy thriller. The majority of the film was shot in other countries. On August 25, it will be released in theatres. He will reportedly begin advertising the film immediately soon.
Other endeavours of Varun and Lavanya
Varun is also collaborating with Manushi Chillar on a forthcoming aerial action thriller. The film's official release date, directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, is yet unclear. Lavanya recently made her OTT debut as a cop in the Telugu drama Puli Meka.
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